Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Fight

Seems like my whole life has been a fight. I know that's a little dramatic, but, it has felt that way at times. But, I'm not here to dwell on all that old news. My sweet hubby and I have a little saying we use when the past tries to pop up on us; "don't trip on what's behind you." I don't know who came up with that, be we like it, and it makes us stop and think.

I'm not much of a reader or a writer. I can do those things, but they are not my favorite things to do, so I will keep my blogging somewhat to the point. 

I'm fat, obese, overweight, a chunky monkey... whatever you want to call it, I have to admit, I am.  I have made excuses and been in denial for a very, very long time. Now, you, my reader, get the chance (or duty) to walk with me and my sweet hubby on this (and other) New Life Adventures. Maybe we'll find out how I got myself in this predicament in the first place.

I am also a Christian, and will be allowing God to do whatever he needs to do within me to pursue these adventures. 

I am a Weight Watcher, and since joining in early January, 2014, I have lost 11.4 pounds. That's exciting! The sweet hubby and I are also trying to get a mile or two walk in each night using Walk Away the Pounds

I give you my "first day of Weight Watchers" pic.

Yep. That's me. Well, there's a little more of me there than now, but still...

Valentines candy and GS cookies are on my table now. 

Well, pray for me, and give me some encouraging words. I'm gonna need them! 

Talk to you soon! 

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